Art of Africa

Works of art can tell us a lot about the values of a culture, their beliefs and customs. observational ink drawings of African masks We can undertand a whole lot more about an object when we are given the opportunity to look at it closely. Observational drawing is always a successful activity in achieving this…

Mondrian Inspired Assemblage

Piet Mondrian was inspired by music. He loved Jazz, Boogie Woogie, and dancing, and was motivated to express his love through art with color and shape, movement and rhythm. Inspired by Broadway Boogie Woogie, this art experience offers students the opportunity to listen to the music that inspired Piet and, by tapping into a kinesthic…

Paper Sculpture

How can you take something flat and change it into something 3-D? Students are prompted with this question and offered the challenge of transformation. Paper sculpture has a strong mathematical connection and allows students to understand form through hands on exploration. By taking a flat paper and rolling it into a cylinder, students see a…

Nature Prints in Clay

Much of the texture of an object goes undiscovered when we study something with our eyes. But when we feel it with our fingers or even our cheek, we are able to discover the bumps, nooks and crannies of an object. Printing allows a viewer to discover the textural qualities of an object by sight….

Clay Fairy Houses and Geometry

How do you transform something that is flat into something 3-D? A clay slab can help you make that magic happen. A little rolling, folding, pinching, smoothing and voila! Such a malleable material, clay offers children the opportunity to create any shape, form or figure that they dreamed about last night. When studying geometric forms…

Joseph Cornell Inspired Assemblage

An assemblage is a work of art that is three-dimensional and is made up of found objects. It’s cousin the collage is primarily flat (2-dimensional) and made up of various torn or cut paper scraps. When you begin to add textured fabric or bottle caps and buttons to your collage, you may want to spice…